Branding Change Step 1 of 4 25% Your business name (before the change)*Your full name*In case we need to contact you about this First Last Your email address*In case we need to contact you about this What Feedsy package are you on?*Note there is a 50% discount for name changes only (but logos and colours staying the same). Web only (admin fee: $165) Communicator/Campaigner (admin fee: $192.50) Advocator (admin fee: $330) Are you providing a new logo?*Logo file format to be supplied as vector .eps, .pdf or .ai logo file - with text converted to paths Yes Yes, but I don't have it on me right now No - can you please contact our designer? No - we are only changing our name (50% discount) No - we are only changing our colours Please upload your logo file(s)*Ideally .eps, .ai or .pdf (or a .zip folder with different versions) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: ai, eps, svg, pdf, zip, jpg, png, gif, jpeg, bmp, Max. file size: 10 MB. Your designer's name*Your designer's email address* Your designer's phone numberNew business (trading) name - SKIP IF NOT REQUIREDThis is the main (public) name that you want people to see. NOT usually your company name (Pty Ltd).New company name - SKIP IF NOT REQUIREDEg ACME Pty Ltd. This is usually only displayed in disclosure or privacy policy text.Please provide any additional instructions of comments (optional)